Your Journey Has Just Begun

I received this brochure in the mail and the Spirit said, Some of you have felt like you are trapped and at the end of your rope and there is no way out. You may have even felt like the enemy had taken you out into the ocean and trying to drown you 50 foot under. You are fighting for your life to get back up to the surface. But God says, You will live and not die! You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Where there seems to be no way out, HE will make a way out of your situation. This is not the end…it is only the beginning!

  • The doctor may have said there is nothing more they can do.
  • You may be looking at divorce and your whole life falling is apart
  • Your son or daughter may be so far entangled in the enemy’s trap, there seems no way out
  • Or you are having to file bankruptcy to get some relief
  • Maybe there is a habit that you can’t seem to break and that has mastery over you

With God, Nothing is Impossible!

But God says, “With Me, nothing is impossible! Stand still and see the salvation of your God.” If GOD is for you, who can possibly stand against you? Take courage today and know that no-one or nothing is greater than our God!

Just like this picture, God will take and turn around for good what the enemy meant to harm you. Like Haman, he will be hung from his own gallows. God will arrange divine connections (network you) to put you where you need to be, when you need to be there. This “Test” will become your “Testimony.” Hold tight, never fear God is here! God is just giving you a platform with which to show forth His glory. It will not kill you – it will propel you!

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