Who’s Talking Now?

God created man after His own image (Genesis 1:26-28). God is 3-in-1 (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) and He created man 3-in-1 (Spirit, Soul, Body).

Our Soul consists of our Mind, Will, and Emotions, in other words our Thoughts, Desires, and Feelings. We need to be able to sort and differentiate “who’s talking” so we know how to respond appropriately.

Rightly Divide the Word of Truth – True or False?

Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God will help divide the soul and spirit. Is it our Spirit, Soul, or Body saying something, sending a message to us? After you determine which one, then you know how to respond appropriately: keep it or trash it, or does something needs your attention. 1 John 4:1 also tells us to try the spirits so we will know if it is God speaking to us or not. How will we know whether to listen or turn away if we don’t know who is talking?

When you hear a voice, thought, idea, urge, desire, feeling, etc., listen to what is said to determine the source, then you can respond appropriately.

  1. First and foremost, if it is from God it will “always line up with the God’s Word,” what He has previously said. He will never contradict Himself. That is the first rule of thumb.
  2. Secondly, you can always judge the “character” of what is said, whether it is good or evil. Determine if it is good or evil, harmful or helpful, encouraging or discouraging, constructive or destructive.
  3. And lastly, you may need to drill down to see the “motivation” behind what is being said. Even though something may “look” good… look for the fine print! If there is something fishy about it and you just can’t put your finger on it… Stop! Don’t do anything until you get “Peace!” Peace is our umpire. Isaiah 55:12 tells us to be “led forth with peace.” That way which leads to peace, follow it! Peace is like the “green light;” wait until the light turns green to safely proceed.


Concerning ourselves, try to determine “which one” of you is speaking (spirit, soul, or body), then you will know who to address. Like a parent having several children, you need to know who’s talking in order to address the issue. They may be hurting and need assistance, or they may be out of line and need to be corrected. You are the parent (your spirit) and need to run your house, not let your mind, will, and emotions ruin your house. Take charge and put your house in order so that you can have peace on the inside.

Spirit, Soul or Body?

If it is a spirit, which spirit?

a. God’s Spirit (the Holy Spirit)

b. A good spirit like love, peace, faith, gentleness, kindness, etc.

c. An evil spirit like anger, manipulation, jealousy, lying, bitterness, etc.

d. The devil lying to you?


If it is your Soul, which one?

a. Your Mind? A thought, reasoning, logic, intellect? 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to take every thought captive that goes against what God says. Keep the good ones, trash the bad ones. Tackle your thoughts.

b. Your Will? Desires, cravings, appetites, lust for things? Bridle and redirect your desires like a little child. Get your attention on something else.

c. Your Emotions? What emotion? Then calm it down and bring balance, meaning: If anger comes, you settle him down so you don’t blow your top. If frustration comes, you breathe and practice patience. If fear comes, you recognize that God does not give you a spirit of fear and don’t answer the door! (2 Timothy 1:7) Like reading the dashboard on your car, you can see what needs attention under the hood and take care of it. You get the idea; monitor and manage your emotions.


If your Body is sending you signals, what part of you needs attention?

Are you always tired and exhausted? Do you experience heartburn all the time, or gas and bloating? Do you have constant back pain? Are you filling your body with sugar and caffeine all day? Whatever is it, take care it. Your body is like a car body. You don’t keep driving with a flat tire, with no oil or gas, or with tires that need balance or is out of alignment. Likewise, take care of your body or you will be forced to later. You only have one body to last a lifetime, treat it with tender, love and care.

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