Those of us who have been raised in church, when we think of “tests, trials, and tribulation” that means “you’ve been going through it, that the devil has been beating you up.” At least that’s how we used to refer to it in our “testimony service.” Those of you who have been around a long time will understand what I’m saying. It really was a time of “doom, despair and agony on me; I’m hurting and barely making it by; please keep me in your prayers.” Instead of glorifying God, the devil got all the glory for whipping up on them! Thankfully, we’ve moved passed that kind of “testimony!”
Unfortunately, I also think we have carried over the “trials and tribulation” mentality of “going through it.” Yes, I understand many of us have been going through it, and some for a long time. How long can you expect one to hold up God? But I want to put a different spin on it, so it will help us see it from God’s perspective.
Going Up, Not Going Out
Instead of thinking “woe is me” when we are going through it, we need to be thankful for the “opportunity for advancement.” Think of tests and trials as the doorway to promotion, a pass-through door. Think of tests like Mr. Myagi testing Danielson in Karate Kid, or trials as in Nascar time trials to determine placement for the next race. That sheds a whole new light on it, doesn’t it? The Master doesn’t always tell the pupil why they are doing something, or what they are supposed to be learning up front. Sometimes he springs things on you to test your reflexes, or comes from behind to see how you handle yourself being blind-sided. He wants to know how you react or respond in any given circumstance. He will “put you to the test” and keep putting you to the test, until he feels like you have learned everything you need to learn to be fully competent and capable for your next assignment. Until you learn it, you are still in training because you have not mastered it yet. So instead of us looking at tests as “taking us out;” we need to learn to look at them as “moving us up.”
Practice Makes Perfect
Like Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban says, “You don’t do something until you get it right; you do it until you can’t get it wrong.” He is talking about the “process,” what you do day-in and day-out, on every down, on every play. It’s the little things that are the building blocks that help you win the game. If you are doing what you’re supposed to be doing on every single play, and giving it your best, the wins will take care of themselves. Yes, that is the goal, to win the game. But that is not your focus. Your focus is on making that play, at that minute. Your focus is the present.
Growing, Not Grueling
So the next time you think of tests and trials, don’t think of them as grueling, think of growing – because you’re getting bigger, faster, stronger and wiser! Listen up and pay attention, stretch yourself to do better, focus, give it your best effort, and eventually, you’ll master it. All your hard work will have paid off, and then you’re the Master. It’s time for promotion! Some of you who have been “going through it,” hold on and focus, your promotion is on the way!