Self-Government is the Answer

Self-Government not More Government

Democracy as defined by Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America, is government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

I was reminded of a letter the Holy Spirit gave me to write to President Trump before he became President about Self-Government. It is relevant today, now more than ever. (See attached below.) Especially with the division over our presidential elections and the country being divided on how the government should be run, the message of this letter rings so true.

We don’t need MORE Government… we need SELF Government! (continued on page 2)

God is Bigger Than Any Problem You Can or Cannot See


No problem is too big that our God cannot handle it! He is always there for you and you can rest assure that He is taking care of everything that concerns you, and everything is going to be alright! He will help walk you “through” whatever situation you are facing today, and give you the grace and strength to go “through” it and not die in the middle of it. He specializes in Happy Endings. So stick with Him and He will help you make it to the other side!

Happy “Rest” From Your Labors Day!

Happy LABOR Day… Happy REST From Your Labors Day!!

It is time to cease from your labors, trying to Do-It-Yourself, and make something happen. It is time to take a step back and Let God fight your battles for you! Stand still and see the salvation of your God! Just as God created the earth and then rested in Genesis 2:1-3, Hebrews 4: 1-11 tells us that there remains a rest for the people of God. Just as God ceased from His own labor, we too must cease from our own works. This is a “striving” in our flesh man to make something happen or accomplish anything. The wandering in the wilderness is to learn that “by ourselves, we can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Continue reading “Happy “Rest” From Your Labors Day!”

Facing Your Giants!

I have been fired up this week. God has really been building a fire in me to stand up and say “No More” to the devil and his strategies! We all dream about things. It may be for better health, to get out of debt and build wealth for retirement, to have a better marriage or family relationships. It may be for a bigger house or better job, or to step out into business or ministry. Whatever your dreams, I guarantee that you will face “obstacles” when you head in that direction.

Continue reading “Facing Your Giants!”

It’s Time to Possess Your Inheritance


It’s time to inherit everything that God has left with your name on it!  It’s time to eat the good of the land! Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that as our heavenly Father, God has a wonderful life and happy ending prepared for us. Just as any good parent wants to set their children up for life, so does our heavenly father. He wants the best for us. Like when the Children of Israel inherited the Promise Land, Hebrews 3-4 tells us that the promise is still applicable today. Don’t waste another year in the wilderness, wandering around in circles but going nowhere. Get all your Father has given to you today. Be strong and of good courage, for the Lord is with you!

Tests Are Opportunities For Promotion

Those of us who have been raised in church, when we think of “tests, trials, and tribulation” that means “you’ve been going through it, that the devil has been beating you up.” At least that’s how we used to refer to it in our “testimony service.” Those of you who have been around a long time will understand what I’m saying. It really was a time of “doom, despair and agony on me; I’m hurting and barely making it by; please keep me in your prayers.” Instead of glorifying God, the devil got all the glory for whipping up on them!  Thankfully, we’ve moved passed that kind of “testimony!”

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