9/11 – Is Fear Terrorizing You?

God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

9/11/2001 We all know where we were 20 years ago today when terror struck on our own front door… and our lives have never been the same since. Everyone banned together to rescue those trapped, to help the hurting, to track down the perpetrators, and to help rebuild our lives again in the aftermath. We will be forever grateful! XO


God is Bigger Than Any Problem You Can or Cannot See


No problem is too big that our God cannot handle it! He is always there for you and you can rest assure that He is taking care of everything that concerns you, and everything is going to be alright! He will help walk you “through” whatever situation you are facing today, and give you the grace and strength to go “through” it and not die in the middle of it. He specializes in Happy Endings. So stick with Him and He will help you make it to the other side!

In God We Trust


When I awoke this morning the Spirit asked, “How many days until the elections?” I quickly counted up the days and found it was 21 days! I immediately knew I needed to fast and pray. Like Daniel prayed and fasted 21 days and God answered his prayer even though the answer was delayed, we too need to be fervent in prayer about these upcoming elections. The Bible says, the prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16). The Bible also says, “If two of you agree concerning anything in my name, that it shall be done! (Matthew 18:19)”