Rewrite Your Life

This morning when I woke up the Spirit said, You can either have:

  • Self-Defeating Thoughts – or – Award-Winning Thoughts
  • Limiting Beliefs – or – Liberating Beliefs
  • Confining Actions – or – Propelling Actions

It’s Your Choice! What YOU believe rules you or dominates you. It has a domino effect…

Self-defeating thoughts turn into…

Limiting beliefs which turn into…

Confining actions or behavior

Keeping you stuck in the mud, spinning your wheels but going nowhere

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Your Journey Has Just Begun

I received this brochure in the mail and the Spirit said, Some of you have felt like you are trapped and at the end of your rope and there is no way out. You may have even felt like the enemy had taken you out into the ocean and trying to drown you 50 foot under. You are fighting for your life to get back up to the surface. But God says, You will live and not die! You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Where there seems to be no way out, HE will make a way out of your situation. This is not the end…it is only the beginning!

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Going Through…

When, Not If…

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame consume you.”  (Isaiah 43:2)
I had a dream last night about going through the fire. This verse in Isaiah was going through my spirit, but the part that struck me was “When” you walk through the fire or pass through the floods… not “If.” Sometimes we find ourselves in dire circumstances and it is not our choice; we did nothing to get there…like Joseph, like Daniel, or like the 3 Hebrew Children in the fiery furnace. We wish we could get out of it, but there is nothing we can do about it. We just have to keep moving forward and trusting God for the outcome. It’s all or nothing, do or die.

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I Am Unstopping Areas in Your Life That Appear to be Stuck

This morning the Lord showed me a picture of a sink drain that was backing up. He said, “There are some things in your life that have been stuck, and don’t seem to be going anywhere. No matter how long you have tried to get around those obstacles or been patient in waiting for them to be removed, you are just at a dead stop, a stand-still. Like being stuck in traffic but you can’t see what the problem is way up ahead, there are some things blocking your path that you have no control over. You have tried to do everything you know to do in the waiting, but there comes a time when you have to move on. You can’t park and live here. You’ve got to get moving again. Something’s got to give…

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