Self-Government is the Answer

Self-Government not More Government

Democracy as defined by Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America, is government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

I was reminded of a letter the Holy Spirit gave me to write to President Trump before he became President about Self-Government. It is relevant today, now more than ever. (See attached below.) Especially with the division over our presidential elections and the country being divided on how the government should be run, the message of this letter rings so true.

We don’t need MORE Government… we need SELF Government! (continued on page 2)

Recognize a Spirit of Division

With so much tension in the world these days, it’s easy to forget who our real enemy is. Remember that Satan is the one who comes to steal our joy and peace, kill our hopes and dreams, and destroy our health, families and future; but Jesus came to give us life to the full, until it overflows (John 10:10). Recognize who subtracts and divides, and who adds and multiplies.

  • – The Devil is (d)evil. He always takes something away from us.

+ God is Go(o)d. He always adds something to our lives.

“Be alert and vigilant, because the devil is your adversary and roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8).

Continue reading “Recognize a Spirit of Division”

Set Some Spiritual Goals For the Year


“Where there is no vision, people perish” Proverbs 29:18

Don’t forget to make your spiritual goals for this year as well. Write your vision down and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2). Without Vision people perish. Vision is your destination where you are going. You have to know where you are going before you can get there! Get God’s vision for your life. God told Joshua to keep his Word as frontlets before his eyes. That would would make his way prosperous and successful (Joshua 1:8-9). That is also the same formula that we use to build our life. Keep God’s Word before your eyes so you can do all that is written in it… then you will make your way prosperous and successful!  Keep going and don’t quit… and you will get there. You can do it!

Rewrite Your Life

This morning when I woke up the Spirit said, You can either have:

  • Self-Defeating Thoughts – or – Award-Winning Thoughts
  • Limiting Beliefs – or – Liberating Beliefs
  • Confining Actions – or – Propelling Actions

It’s Your Choice! What YOU believe rules you or dominates you. It has a domino effect…

Self-defeating thoughts turn into…

Limiting beliefs which turn into…

Confining actions or behavior

Keeping you stuck in the mud, spinning your wheels but going nowhere

Continue reading “Rewrite Your Life”

Going Through…

When, Not If…

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame consume you.”  (Isaiah 43:2)
I had a dream last night about going through the fire. This verse in Isaiah was going through my spirit, but the part that struck me was “When” you walk through the fire or pass through the floods… not “If.” Sometimes we find ourselves in dire circumstances and it is not our choice; we did nothing to get there…like Joseph, like Daniel, or like the 3 Hebrew Children in the fiery furnace. We wish we could get out of it, but there is nothing we can do about it. We just have to keep moving forward and trusting God for the outcome. It’s all or nothing, do or die.

Continue reading “Going Through…”

Tests Are Opportunities For Promotion

Those of us who have been raised in church, when we think of “tests, trials, and tribulation” that means “you’ve been going through it, that the devil has been beating you up.” At least that’s how we used to refer to it in our “testimony service.” Those of you who have been around a long time will understand what I’m saying. It really was a time of “doom, despair and agony on me; I’m hurting and barely making it by; please keep me in your prayers.” Instead of glorifying God, the devil got all the glory for whipping up on them!  Thankfully, we’ve moved passed that kind of “testimony!”

Continue reading “Tests Are Opportunities For Promotion”