9/11 – Is Fear Terrorizing You?

God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

9/11/2001 We all know where we were 20 years ago today when terror struck on our own front door… and our lives have never been the same since. Everyone banned together to rescue those trapped, to help the hurting, to track down the perpetrators, and to help rebuild our lives again in the aftermath. We will be forever grateful! XO


Recognize a Spirit of Division

With so much tension in the world these days, it’s easy to forget who our real enemy is. Remember that Satan is the one who comes to steal our joy and peace, kill our hopes and dreams, and destroy our health, families and future; but Jesus came to give us life to the full, until it overflows (John 10:10). Recognize who subtracts and divides, and who adds and multiplies.

  • – The Devil is (d)evil. He always takes something away from us.

+ God is Go(o)d. He always adds something to our lives.

“Be alert and vigilant, because the devil is your adversary and roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8).

Continue reading “Recognize a Spirit of Division”

Who’s Talking Now?

God created man after His own image (Genesis 1:26-28). God is 3-in-1 (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) and He created man 3-in-1 (Spirit, Soul, Body).

Our Soul consists of our Mind, Will, and Emotions, in other words our Thoughts, Desires, and Feelings. We need to be able to sort and differentiate “who’s talking” so we know how to respond appropriately. Continue reading “Who’s Talking Now?”