Rewrite Your Life

This morning when I woke up the Spirit said, You can either have:

  • Self-Defeating Thoughts – or – Award-Winning Thoughts
  • Limiting Beliefs – or – Liberating Beliefs
  • Confining Actions – or – Propelling Actions

It’s Your Choice! What YOU believe rules you or dominates you. It has a domino effect…

Self-defeating thoughts turn into…

Limiting beliefs which turn into…

Confining actions or behavior

Keeping you stuck in the mud, spinning your wheels but going nowhere

Award-winning thoughts turn into…

Liberating beliefs which lead to…

Propelling actions or behaviors

Getting you unstuck, so you can be on your merry little way toward your desired destination


Be Transformed By Renewing Your Mind

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”  Romans 12:2

How do you “transform” yourself, or turn into something else (like the movie Transformers)? How do you change your shape and identity, into a new creature (like from a caterpillar into a butterfly)? How do you transform from a scrawny little child into a handsome muscular adult? How does transformation happen? By changing one “Thought” at a time!

Change Your Thoughts… Change Your Life!

  • Thoughts turn into
  • Desires or Emotions, which make you feel a certain way
  • Which cause you to make certain Decisions
  • Which cause you to Behave accordingly
  • If those actions are repeated create Habits
  • Which forms your Character (who you are)
  • Which determines your Destination (where you end up)

So you have to click the “drop-down” menu and keep drilling down until you get to the “thought” that started you acting out or feeling a certain way to begin with. Thoughts are like “clouds” just passing by in our mind. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to “guard our heart and mind.” Like the old saying, “you can’t keep a bird from flying overhead, but you can keep it from building a nest in your hair.” We have to be carefully watching and guarding what slips into our mind. Just because it came, doesn’t mean it stays… “tell it to hit the door!” This is “your house” and you have the say so. You can either “entertain” it if it is a good thought, or don’t open the door to begin with if it looks like it’s going to rob you (fear, doubt, guilt, condemnation, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, jealousy, regret, etc.).

Write a New Script

It’s not rocket science. If you want a different outcome, you have to have a different strategy and do something different. What you’re doing now, is clearly not working! So rewrite the script, get a different strategy or plan. Like with a football coach getting his “strategy” ready for next week’s game, you have to get a new game plan if what you are using is not working. If you are not seeing success, go back to the drawing board. Look at the game film and see what you did wrong and how you can correct it.

We have to look at our lives this way as well. In order to enjoy a desired result, we need to evaluate and see what we need to do differently. Start at your thoughts. Look at your “Daily Dashboards” and see how you’re doing. Once you get serious about it, I think you will see a noticeable improvement.

You Make You Who You Are!

Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Are you happy with who you are? If not, change it, by changing your mind. Change what you’re thinking. Change what goes in… and that will change what comes out! You get out what you put in. You reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7).

This is forward-thinking, not trying to drive our lives while looking out of our rear-view mirror or everywhere else but keeping your eyes on the road. That does not work. Pay attention and drive your life!

What Goes In… Must Come Out

You get “Out” what you put “In.” Start planting the Word of God (good thoughts) IN you, and you will reap good things OUT of you. Word In= Word out! “Faith comes by hearing the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). With faith, anything is possible (Mark 9:23). That’s how God does things… with faith. He “believes” what He says will come to pass and it does! That’s how we are supposed to do things too… using our heart and mouth, believing and saying (Romans 10:9-10). Plus, without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11) So start planting the seeds of Faith in you and reaping the life you want, the life God promises to His children. It’s a wonderful life!

  • Word Seed turns into (eating/ingesting the Word of God)
  • Faith Thoughts which turn into (swallowing Food for Thought)
  • Faith Meditations (digesting it), which form
  • Faith Beliefs (convictions), which automatically produce corresponding
  • Faith Confessions, anticipating it happening, which turn into
  • Faith Actions, you do what you believe is going to happen (like taking an umbrella if you believe it is going to rain)

This is walking by Faith and not by sight, where you follow and believe God’s Word over any other word (or thought)… and it shall be. Change your thoughts and change your life, and enjoy a wonderful life!

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