Happy “Rest” From Your Labors Day!

Happy LABOR Day… Happy REST From Your Labors Day!!

It is time to cease from your labors, trying to Do-It-Yourself, and make something happen. It is time to take a step back and Let God fight your battles for you! Stand still and see the salvation of your God! Just as God created the earth and then rested in Genesis 2:1-3, Hebrews 4: 1-11 tells us that there remains a rest for the people of God. Just as God ceased from His own labor, we too must cease from our own works. This is a “striving” in our flesh man to make something happen or accomplish anything. The wandering in the wilderness is to learn that “by ourselves, we can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Just like the Children of Israel that died in the wilderness were disobedient, failed to follow the Spirit (cloud by day and pillar of fire by night), and did not believe God. We too will die in the wilderness of sin if we are unbelieving, disobedient and won’t follow instructions. All of God’s promises are available and just waiting on us to be “compliant and not defiant.” God is trying to help us get to our desired destination, but He can’t lead if we won’t follow. He wants to make all of your dreams come true, but you have to get with the program!
In Matthew 11:29-30 Jesus promised rest for your Soul… and that’s where the problem lies! Your Soul is:
  • your mind, will, and emotions (your thinker, wanter and feeler)
  • that part of you that gets upset, churning with turmoil on the inside
  • that part of you that rehearses scenarios in your mind over and over again, or replays past hurts or mistakes

Shhh…. Peace Be Still!

Isaiah 26:3 says, “I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me, because he trusts in Me.” 
Love, Trust, and Peace go together.
  • You have Peace because you Trust.
  • You Trust because you Love.
  • You Love because you Know Him…and you can’t help but love Him. He is so irresistible! He is Love!
So “Rest” from your labors today. “Let God” take care of you. He wants to, because He loves you. Happy REST From Your Labors Day!

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