God Delivers Again!


Nothing Is Too Difficult!

Amen! Our God delivers again! It doesn’t matter what your circumstances, what you feel or see, the Word is working mightily in you. The WORD is Jesus Christ, the Word of God (John 1). The Word is Living and Powerful. He is not impotent. He is the author and finisher of your faith. He will complete the work He has begun in you. He will be faithful to complete it. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through or how impossible it looks right now, nothing is too difficult for our God! Our God is an awesome God. There are no impossible circumstances, no excuses. We’re talking about GOD here! Hello? Like the old song says, “God is God and God don’t never change. I know God is God and He always will be God!”

God Makes Deliveries

God knows where you are and he knows how to find you. He makes house calls. He is always available 24/7. He has no off hours. He is never closed. He is always open for business, full-service. Call Him up! Just give Him a ring, and He will answer.

God Will Deliver You

When you are in labor you need assistance, you cannot deliver yourself. God said, “Shall I bring to the birthing and not deliver? (Isaiah 66:9) No!” You may think you’re going to die because you are in so much pain, but you will deliver and all pain will soon be forgotten. It will be well with thee My Love!

He’ll Do It Again

I want to encourage you today to not give up hope, that God is able to deliver! If He did it once…He can do it again! He’s proven He knows how. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He always keeps His promises and never goes back on his Word. You can count on that!

It’s On Its Way!

Out of sight does not mean that it does not exist. It just means that it is out of your range of vision, but it IS on its way! You just have to use your radar vision of your spirit eyes to see it. When you order something, it is in transit. No… you don’t have it yet because it is not here yet. No… you cannot see it because it is there, not here. But it is on its way! It is coming, No doubt!
God delivers ~ 100% money-back guarantee. He has a 100% customer satisfaction rate. He will never disappoint. In fact, He under-promises and over-delivers!! So get your hopes up…it’s coming honey! Wait for it…Wait for it…Wait for it…there it is!! Can’t you see it? Your miracle is coming through!!
A Promise is a Promise, and God Always Keeps His Promises!

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