I couldn’t wait for today to get here, 10:10, October 10th. As I woke up I heard the Lord say, “Doors of Double!” I rephrased it, “Double Doors?” He replied, “No, Doors of Double!” You will think you are “Seeing Double!” Everything will be multiplied!
· Double for your trouble
· Double provision
· Double power
· Double blessing
· Double payback
· Double answers
· Double revelation
· Double assistance
· Double wisdom
· Double opportunities
· Double resources
· Double health
· Double answers
· Double favor
· Double insight
· Double discernment
· Double protection
From Not Enough… To More Than Enough
You will go from not having enough in one hand, and having to stretch it to meet the need, to having both hands full, and more than enough to go around and some left over! Like the boy with the fish and loaves that Jesus multiplied to feed 5,000 men, plus women and children, and had twelve baskets leftover… you will have more than you need!
I am not the God of just enough, I am the God of more-than-enough, over-the-top. My kids don’t have need of anything. I am not skimpy. I am not cheap. I am lavish and have abundance. I am the God of addition and multiplication, not subtraction and division.
Think Big!
Who do you think you are dealing with here? Think BIG, think really BIG! I am bigger than your wildest imaginations. I can pour out a blessing on you in so much as there is not room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10). It’s all relative. Your “Big” is but a drop out of the ocean in my book.
So Ask, everyone who asks receives. Seek, everyone who seeks finds what they are looking for. Knock, and the door will be open to everyone who knocks. So what are you waiting for? I’m here waiting on you! No-one is turned away.
It’s Harvest Time
The Spirit asked…I replied…
Q: What time is it? A: It’s Harvest Time!
Q: What does that mean? A: We get a return on our investment (ROI).
Yes, that means all your hard work is finally paying off. All your labor has not been in vain.
Q: Who gives the increase? A: You do!
That’s right. One plants and another waters, but GOD gives the increase! I AM the Lord of the harvest! I am the One who is giving you double. It is My prerogative, just like the parable of paying the same wages to the man who worked all day as the one who came later in the day. It’s my money and I can do with it whatever I please. If I want to give you double or triple, that’s my business. You just get to enjoy my goodness and generosity. It’s called “the favor of the Lord!” Men will see that God is good and want to get in on it. I am a Good, Good Father.
Crossing Over
Like the Children of Israel went from just barely enough, barely getting by in the wilderness, to more than enough in the Promise Land, you too are crossing over into abundance. Abundance that other people have been growing for you! Yes, they have been tending “your” property until you could cross over and take care of it yourself. They just didn’t know it. Like the giants were developing the land and keeping the wild beasts away, I have had other people building your homes and cities for you. Did not I say, “Ask Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance? Everything I have is yours for the asking!” You are my Beloved.
Just as the Children of Israel could not possess their Promise Land in their own power, you cannot possess your “double inheritance” in your power either. It takes a greater power, a double-whammy you might say, to put these giants on the run and take over what is rightfully yours. They have been squatting for quite some time now, and don’t release the territory easily. But no worries, I have a plan, and I will give you the land just as I have promised. No weapon formed against you will prosper. They are not greater than I Am! Trust Me, and I will do it for you. Work with Me and do what I instruct. Then stand still and see the salvation of your God!
I Will Repay You Double For Your Trouble!