Don’t Forfeit Your Benefits!

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.” Psalm 68:19

Get All That’s Coming To You

Why would you forfeit some of your employee benefits, when they are FREE, already paid for? You don’t have to pay a thing… no money out of your pocket!

I saw on the news recently that over 50% of people in the workforce “FORFEIT” their vacation time – to the tune of BILLIONS! That’s crazy! Why would you do that? I get it… we all get caught up in our “workload” and can’t keep up. There is “no time” to go on “vacation.” If I can’t keep up with my regular workload working long hours every day, how would I ever get caught up if I went on vacation? Yep, that’s the script! You know the drill…

Just like someone forfeiting their annual clothing allowance or daily lunch program, or not taking advantage of their company’s 401k match; that is walking away and leaving money on the table! Why would you do that?

Or like “paying extra” to be on your husband’s health insurance just because that’s the way you’ve always done it, instead of getting “Free” insurance through your employer and letting him get “Free” insurance through his employer. You want to take advantage of everything that’s freely provided for you, don’t you? It costs a company a great deal to offer a nice benefits package, so don’t let it go to waste! Just because you’re not paying for it, doesn’t mean that somebody isn’t paying for it! Don’t let their hard-earned money go to waste.

Ask… It’s Already Yours For the Taking!

Just like some people forfeit their employee benefits package, many of us are not taking advantage of our “spiritual benefits package” either. We forfeit benefits whenever we fail to obtain ALL of God’s promises, and secure everything that’s coming to us!

When we receive “salvation” only, but do not take advantage of anything else He offers us, it is like getting a “paycheck” but not taking advantage of all the other benefits God offers… freely! Hello?

ALL God’s promises are Yes and Amen (double yes). He offers, but He is not going to force you to take them. They are ready and available,  and are yours for the taking. But He also gives us “freedom of choice” and does not make you do anything against your will.

If you want them, you have to “go get them!” Ask Him for whatever you need; sign up for His benefits; and let Him know you want them. He doesn’t know if you don’t let Him know!

  • Ask for health and healing
  • Ask to be filled with His Spirit
  • Ask for provision
  • Ask for protection
  • Ask for wisdom
  • Ask for divine guidance
  • Ask to be prosperous and successful
  • Ask for favor
  • Ask for peace
  • Ask to have the mind of Christ, a sound mind.
  • Ask for His love to fill your heart
  • Ask for creative ideas
  • Ask for insight and understanding
  • Ask for joy and light-hearted spirit
  • Ask for discernment
  • Ask for the fruit of the Spirit, His character to be formed in you.
  • ASK!

There are many “benefits” God  promises us in the Bible; these are just a few. If it’s in the Bible… it’s yours, for Free! At least it’s free to you, but it was not free. Nothing isn’t free. Jesus paid a very high price for your “benefits package;” He gave His life! So please don’t let His sacrifice go to waste. He did it “just for little old you,” because He LOVES you! Receive His love and enjoy all of His free gifts, and don’t “Return to Sender!”

Ask in Faith, not in Hope

James 4:2 says, “You Have Not... because you Ask Not!” Start asking… and you just might start receiving! Have you been wondering why “everyone else” gets blessed and you don’t?

Have you been Asking… and you also have to Believe it works in order for it to work.

If you just Ask, but then “Doubt” it will ever happen… it won’t… confirming your “Unbelief!”

Jesus said, “You must ask in Faith… believing that you “have” received it (past tense, meaning it’s already yours), then you “shall” have it!  He also said “ask in Faith, not Hope, because a double-minded man won’t receive anything from the Lord (James 1:6-8). So needless to say, this is very important… if you want to get anything from God!  James is talking about believing one minute and doubting the next, but your Hope also has to turn into Faith. Hope is good, but it’s not Faith. Hope is still “wishing,” but Faith is “knowing” it is going to happen… because God said so and He loves me! You have to be totally convinced without a shadow of doubt in your mind, because you “know God!” Ask, and you shall receive (Luke 11:9-13)! He loves giving good gifts to His children.









Submit a Request, and Your Order Is On Its Way!

That’s what it takes to get your spiritual benefits ~ that’s it! God promises the same to all His children. He is no respector of persons, plays no favorites. If you want it, just ask and it’s yours!!

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, Be careful (anxious, full of care) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (emphasis added)

I John 5:14-15 says, And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will (if it’s in the Bible), he hears us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions  (requests) that we desired of him.” (emphasis added)

Put in your “request” and it will be “granted.” Like at Service Merchandise stores, take your ticket to the counter to pick up your item. Find it in the Bible (God’s store) and take your “claim ticket” to God to “pick up” your promise. If you haven’t picked it up yet… it’s still there waiting on YOU to come get it!


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