Beware of the #1 Sin… Pride!

This year we celebrated Yom Kippur on September 24-25. It is known as The Day of Atonement, and is considered the holiest day of the year. It is a day to fast and pray, repent of our sins and ask forgiveness from God and our brethren. I felt God’s Spirit prompt me to fast and pray as well. In my prayer time I heard the Spirit say, “I want you to repent of pride for yourself and for the Church.”

Proverbs 6:16-19 (AMP) says, “Six things the Lord hates; seven are a repulsive abomination unto him: 1) A proud look [the attitude that makes one overestimate oneself and discount others], 2) a lying tongue, 3) hands that shed innocent blood, 4) a heart that creates wicked plans and schemes, 5) feet that run swiftly to evil, 6) a false witness who breathes out lies [even half-truths], and 7) one who spreads discord (rumors) among the brothers.”

The #1 Thing on God’s Hate List is Pride!

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As in the Days of Noah, the Torrents are Coming!

The spirit of prophecy is given to edify, exhort, and comfort. We love words from God that makes us feel warm and fuzzy, and don’t particularly like those words that build a fire underneath us, but they are none-the-less needed sometimes and given in love. This is one of those words… an exhortation, which means a caution or warning.

As I walked out the door for my morning walk, I looked up in the sky and saw a partial rainbow with beams of light shining out of it, and it had not rained or was not cloudy, so I knew this was confirmation of the word the Spirit was giving me. (continued on page 2)

Self-Government is the Answer

Self-Government not More Government

Democracy as defined by Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America, is government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

I was reminded of a letter the Holy Spirit gave me to write to President Trump before he became President about Self-Government. It is relevant today, now more than ever. (See attached below.) Especially with the division over our presidential elections and the country being divided on how the government should be run, the message of this letter rings so true.

We don’t need MORE Government… we need SELF Government! (continued on page 2)

Happy Dependence Day!

Happy “INDEPENDENCE” Day to America! I am glad to be living in a country where we can enjoy our freedom still, and I am very thankful and appreciative for all the brave men and women who have stood up for what they believe in and helped make this country great! But in this article I want to focus on a different perspective… Happy “DEPENDENCE” Day! As human beings we are so used to fighting for our freedom and independence, that we sometimes carry over that attitude and heart when it comes to our relationship with God, our heavenly father.  

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I Am Unstopping Areas in Your Life That Appear to be Stuck

This morning the Lord showed me a picture of a sink drain that was backing up. He said, “There are some things in your life that have been stuck, and don’t seem to be going anywhere. No matter how long you have tried to get around those obstacles or been patient in waiting for them to be removed, you are just at a dead stop, a stand-still. Like being stuck in traffic but you can’t see what the problem is way up ahead, there are some things blocking your path that you have no control over. You have tried to do everything you know to do in the waiting, but there comes a time when you have to move on. You can’t park and live here. You’ve got to get moving again. Something’s got to give…

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