As in the Days of Noah, the Torrents are Coming!

The spirit of prophecy is given to edify, exhort, and comfort. We love words from God that makes us feel warm and fuzzy, and don’t particularly like those words that build a fire underneath us, but they are none-the-less needed sometimes and given in love. This is one of those words… an exhortation, which means a caution or warning.

As I walked out the door for my morning walk, I looked up in the sky and saw a partial rainbow with beams of light shining out of it, and it had not rained or was not cloudy, so I knew this was confirmation of the word the Spirit was giving me. (continued on page 2)

9/11 – Is Fear Terrorizing You?

God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

9/11/2001 We all know where we were 20 years ago today when terror struck on our own front door… and our lives have never been the same since. Everyone banned together to rescue those trapped, to help the hurting, to track down the perpetrators, and to help rebuild our lives again in the aftermath. We will be forever grateful! XO


God is Bigger Than Any Problem You Can or Cannot See


No problem is too big that our God cannot handle it! He is always there for you and you can rest assure that He is taking care of everything that concerns you, and everything is going to be alright! He will help walk you “through” whatever situation you are facing today, and give you the grace and strength to go “through” it and not die in the middle of it. He specializes in Happy Endings. So stick with Him and He will help you make it to the other side!

Recognize a Spirit of Division

With so much tension in the world these days, it’s easy to forget who our real enemy is. Remember that Satan is the one who comes to steal our joy and peace, kill our hopes and dreams, and destroy our health, families and future; but Jesus came to give us life to the full, until it overflows (John 10:10). Recognize who subtracts and divides, and who adds and multiplies.

  • – The Devil is (d)evil. He always takes something away from us.

+ God is Go(o)d. He always adds something to our lives.

“Be alert and vigilant, because the devil is your adversary and roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8).

Continue reading “Recognize a Spirit of Division”

Peace in the Coronavirus Storm


This is an encouraging word for the Church, that we can have peace in the midst of this Coronavirus storm, and how to believe God and rest in His Word. After it’s over, we will still be standing! God loves us and He is taking care of everything that concerns us.

Don’t Forfeit Your Benefits!

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.” Psalm 68:19

Get All That’s Coming To You

Why would you forfeit some of your employee benefits, when they are FREE, already paid for? You don’t have to pay a thing… no money out of your pocket!

I saw on the news recently that over 50% of people in the workforce “FORFEIT” their vacation time – to the tune of BILLIONS! That’s crazy! Why would you do that? I get it… we all get caught up in our “workload” and can’t keep up. There is “no time” to go on “vacation.” If I can’t keep up with my regular workload working long hours every day, how would I ever get caught up if I went on vacation? Yep, that’s the script! You know the drill…

Continue reading “Don’t Forfeit Your Benefits!”

Facing Your Giants!

I have been fired up this week. God has really been building a fire in me to stand up and say “No More” to the devil and his strategies! We all dream about things. It may be for better health, to get out of debt and build wealth for retirement, to have a better marriage or family relationships. It may be for a bigger house or better job, or to step out into business or ministry. Whatever your dreams, I guarantee that you will face “obstacles” when you head in that direction.

Continue reading “Facing Your Giants!”

A New Day, A New Year!

Happy New Year!

Some of you may have woke up this morning, walked outside, and said, “This looks the exact same as it did yesterday. Nothing has changed. It’s going to be the same old-same old as last year.”
But God says… “I have a good future in store for you!”(Jeremiah 29:11) This is not the same as last year or the year before. I am making all things new. Can you not see it? Yesterday was yesterday, today is a new day, as sure as the sun rose this morning. Who knows what today holds? Live it, not try to relive yesterday in regret or live in anxiousness about tomorrow. Stay here with Me… in the present! I am here… so what can possibly happen to you that I can’t handle?

Continue reading “A New Day, A New Year!”