Beware of the #1 Sin… Pride!

This year we celebrated Yom Kippur on September 24-25. It is known as The Day of Atonement, and is considered the holiest day of the year. It is a day to fast and pray, repent of our sins and ask forgiveness from God and our brethren. I felt God’s Spirit prompt me to fast and pray as well. In my prayer time I heard the Spirit say, “I want you to repent of pride for yourself and for the Church.”

Proverbs 6:16-19 (AMP) says, “Six things the Lord hates; seven are a repulsive abomination unto him: 1) A proud look [the attitude that makes one overestimate oneself and discount others], 2) a lying tongue, 3) hands that shed innocent blood, 4) a heart that creates wicked plans and schemes, 5) feet that run swiftly to evil, 6) a false witness who breathes out lies [even half-truths], and 7) one who spreads discord (rumors) among the brothers.”

The #1 Thing on God’s Hate List is Pride!

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2-by-2 in ’22

Sending Them Out Two-by-Two

I heard the Spirit say, “2-by-2 in ’22.” I was reminded when Jesus sent His disciples out two-by-two, the twelve disciples in Matthew 10 and the seventy in Luke 10.

Luke 10  1After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two-and-two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. (KJV)

Ecclesiastes 4 12And though one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (AMP)

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God’s Greatest Gift of Love


God’s Love is the greatest gift He could give us. God IS Love, so He gave us Himself in person… Love with flesh on it, so we could know Him and understand His heart and Who He is. He came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah. If you want to know what God is like, study Jesus’ life. God is Spirit, so He can be anywhere or everywhere, and is not limited by time or space. The best part is now God can be our BFF 24-7! He is always available to whoever needs Him or wants to hang out with Him. Reciprocate and give Him your best gift this Christmas… You… Your Love! Just ask and you can experience His overwhelming satisfying Love for yourself. You will be glad you did, and you’ll be hooked for life!

Happy Dependence Day!

Happy “INDEPENDENCE” Day to America! I am glad to be living in a country where we can enjoy our freedom still, and I am very thankful and appreciative for all the brave men and women who have stood up for what they believe in and helped make this country great! But in this article I want to focus on a different perspective… Happy “DEPENDENCE” Day! As human beings we are so used to fighting for our freedom and independence, that we sometimes carry over that attitude and heart when it comes to our relationship with God, our heavenly father.  

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Don’t Forfeit Your Benefits!

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.” Psalm 68:19

Get All That’s Coming To You

Why would you forfeit some of your employee benefits, when they are FREE, already paid for? You don’t have to pay a thing… no money out of your pocket!

I saw on the news recently that over 50% of people in the workforce “FORFEIT” their vacation time – to the tune of BILLIONS! That’s crazy! Why would you do that? I get it… we all get caught up in our “workload” and can’t keep up. There is “no time” to go on “vacation.” If I can’t keep up with my regular workload working long hours every day, how would I ever get caught up if I went on vacation? Yep, that’s the script! You know the drill…

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God Wants Us To Be Needy


God is a good Father and wants to take care of His children, just like want to take care of our children… not because He “has to” but because He “wants to.” He Loves you and wants to be an integral part of your life. He doesn’t want to live life without you!

Ask Spirit, Your Inner Guidance System (IGS)

Ask Spirit… What Should I Do?

This afternoon for dinner, I was trying to figure out what to eat. My husband had a meeting, so I was on my own for dinner. I didn’t want a salad because I had one for lunch. Trying to think of something quick, I was not making a good choice and was just going to grab a hamburger. When I was close to home, the Spirit said, “Why don’t you just make a broccoli bacon &cheese baked potato? It is quick and easy and more nutritious, plus it is something warm for dinner. I thought, “Why didn’t I think of that? And why didn’t I even think to ask you in the first place?”

Continue reading “Ask Spirit, Your Inner Guidance System (IGS)”

Your Journey Has Just Begun

I received this brochure in the mail and the Spirit said, Some of you have felt like you are trapped and at the end of your rope and there is no way out. You may have even felt like the enemy had taken you out into the ocean and trying to drown you 50 foot under. You are fighting for your life to get back up to the surface. But God says, You will live and not die! You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Where there seems to be no way out, HE will make a way out of your situation. This is not the end…it is only the beginning!

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A New Day, A New Year!

Happy New Year!

Some of you may have woke up this morning, walked outside, and said, “This looks the exact same as it did yesterday. Nothing has changed. It’s going to be the same old-same old as last year.”
But God says… “I have a good future in store for you!”(Jeremiah 29:11) This is not the same as last year or the year before. I am making all things new. Can you not see it? Yesterday was yesterday, today is a new day, as sure as the sun rose this morning. Who knows what today holds? Live it, not try to relive yesterday in regret or live in anxiousness about tomorrow. Stay here with Me… in the present! I am here… so what can possibly happen to you that I can’t handle?

Continue reading “A New Day, A New Year!”