Happy Dependence Day!

Happy “INDEPENDENCE” Day to America! I am glad to be living in a country where we can enjoy our freedom still, and I am very thankful and appreciative for all the brave men and women who have stood up for what they believe in and helped make this country great! But in this article I want to focus on a different perspective… Happy “DEPENDENCE” Day! As human beings we are so used to fighting for our freedom and independence, that we sometimes carry over that attitude and heart when it comes to our relationship with God, our heavenly father.  

As teenagers, we are fighting for our independence, and can’t wait to grow up and do things our own way and prove we are big enough and mature enough to run our own life. But that mindset carries over with God, thinking that we can “run” our own lives without His help… how foolish of us! (This is actually the mindset of Lucifer/Satan, when he said he did not need God, that he could actually rule himself!)
Like Jesus said, You will learn “apart from Me, you can do nothing.” It took me many years I am sad to say before I learned this lesson. I am finally an ex-do-it-yourself, Hallelujah! I finally learned that I cannot change myself or even follow God’s instructions, unless HE enables me to do so! I can do nothing! But I sure am glad I learned the lesson and finally became “Dependent” on God and rely on Him for everything. There is nothing He can’t handle, so that makes me golden! It sure is a much easier way to live, carefree, knowing He IS taking care of everything that concerns me, no sweat. 
As part of God’s family, I am His dependent, so He has all the headaches, but I get to enjoy His provision, protection, wisdom and guidance, healing, peace, whatever I need. Also as His child, I come under His leadership and do things the way He does them. If I want to leave and go out on my own, I can make all the decisions, but also fend for myself and provide for myself… No thanks! I would rather stay under God’s divine provision, guidance, and protection. I don’t know about you, but there is no better way to live than “Happily Dependent” upon God. God is Love!
So cast your cares and worries, stress and anxiety on Jesus today. He has big shoulders and can carry them. Become “dependent” on Him. He will never let you down. Happy Dependence Day!!

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