Facing Your Giants!

I have been fired up this week. God has really been building a fire in me to stand up and say “No More” to the devil and his strategies! We all dream about things. It may be for better health, to get out of debt and build wealth for retirement, to have a better marriage or family relationships. It may be for a bigger house or better job, or to step out into business or ministry. Whatever your dreams, I guarantee that you will face “obstacles” when you head in that direction.

There is always going to be a defense lined up against you to make it a game, a competition… which is also what makes you a winner! So many times we talk about possessing what God has promised us (the promised land), but we forget that we have to face and defeat the GIANT first…just a minor detail!

God is Facing Your Giants With You!

We also forget another “little minor detail,” is that we are not in this alone! We are not fighting in our own strength, or using our own plans and strategies. Thank goodness or we would all die! We have God on our side!
  • If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)
  • Through our God we shall do valiantly. (Psalm 60:12)
  • No weapon formed against us will prosper or be effective. (Isaiah 54:17)
  • I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)
  • Not by our might nor power, but by His Spirit. (Zechariah 4:6)
  • He goes before us and prepares the way. He overshadows us. He undergirds us. He is our rear guard. He encamps about those that fear Him.
So what’s to fear? God is here.
We can’t fail! “We will live and not die, and see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:13). In other words, we will be left standing after it’s all over. We will be the victors and not the victims. We win!

Stand Up and Speak Up!

I encourage you to stand up and speak to your mountain. Tell it to move and it will go; Jesus said so in Mark 11:23. Jesus said “Say” and “Believe” and it will be! Saying is is easy part. Believing it and doing it is where we run into trouble. Use the Word of God, not your words. His Word is powerful; it’s the dynamite! It is also “the Law.” When you are standing on God’s Word, it is “the Law” and you have the “right” and what’s standing in your way must stand down. You have legal grounds to stand on, and you will have sure footing and not be moved. You are the heavy-weight and it must move, because you have God backing you!

Super + Natural = Supernatural

It’s not all about just “Speaking,” you also have to “Do” something. The “spiritual” part is the speaking, but the “natural” part is the doing. You have to put legs on your prayers, so to speak. You can’t just “speak” to your fat and tell it to melt off your body, or tell high blood pressure or cholesterol to go. You also have to change your diet and exercise. You can’t just speak to your mountain of debt to go away. You also have to create a budget and change your spending habits. It’s the two together that causes the magic (miracle) to happen, like the left foot and right foot. That’s how you “walk” it out. James 1:22 says, “Be ye doers of the word, and not hears only, deceiving your own selves.” Left, left, left, right, left… keep walking and following the Spirit and you will get there!


Jesus said in Matthew 18:19 if two of you agree on anything (anything goes), it will be done! Remember, it’s not in your own power…just regular goal setting and being a do-it-yourselfer. This is using God power to do it easier and much quicker than you could ever do using your own power. You don’t have to struggle, trying and failing. Use God power and He can blast through any mountain, any obstacle. I have used this method for healing when the doctor said surgery was the only option, to sell a house in a few weeks, to pay off our mortgage in a year, and many other things… IT WORKS! God can do with no effort what it would take you years to do using all your effort, blood, sweat and tears. It is using “Spirit Power” to do-if-for-you!
Take it from an ex-do-it-yourselfer… God’s way is much better!

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