I Am Unstopping Areas in Your Life That Appear to be Stuck

This morning the Lord showed me a picture of a sink drain that was backing up. He said, “There are some things in your life that have been stuck, and don’t seem to be going anywhere. No matter how long you have tried to get around those obstacles or been patient in waiting for them to be removed, you are just at a dead stop, a stand-still. Like being stuck in traffic but you can’t see what the problem is way up ahead, there are some things blocking your path that you have no control over. You have tried to do everything you know to do in the waiting, but there comes a time when you have to move on. You can’t park and live here. You’ve got to get moving again. Something’s got to give…

That’s where I come in. Help is on the way! Like Daniel’s prayer was held up by spiritual forces in the unseen realm (Daniel 10:12-13), there have been things blocking your path so you cannot proceed. I am coming in with reinforcements to help you advance so you will not be detained any longer. You will be able to move forward without obstruction. You will be able to go in the direction I have called you without any more roadblocks.”

Roadblocks and Detours

Do you have things in your life that seem at a stand-still? Has God called you to do something and to proceed in a certain direction, but every way you try seems blocked. You are trying to be obedient, but keep getting blocked. You reroute and reroute to try to find a way around it, but thereagain, another roadblock. You have tried to remain patient and not get frustrated and make yourself useful in other areas while you’re waiting, but you need a little extra help from above. You need somebody greater than you, to take care of this little problem for you. You need someone like Superman!

Never Fear, God is Here!

He sees, He hears, and He knows what you’re going through. He can offer divine assistance. Did not I say, Call me, and I will answer (Jeremiah 33:3)? What seems to be the problem? I am your friend. If you can’t count on friends when you need them, then what are friends for? If you need something, just give me a ring. I’ll be there for you, whatever you need, whenever you need. There is no request too big, or too small. I love you, ya know?

You Are Always on My Mind

It’s not an imposition. Don’t think that you are bothering me or that I don’t have enough time. I always have enough time for you My Love. You are the apple of My eye. You are always on My mind. How could I ever forget you? I gave up everything for you. You are priceless to Me. There is nothing I love more than You! So don’t ever think for a minute that you are not important or that your desires are too trivial. I Love to hear from you, no matter what the occasion. Call Me any time, stop by and stay a while. I’m always here for you if you need something.

Friends In High Places

And don’t feel like you are imposing on our friendship just because I have “friends in high places and can pull a few strings” as you say. Like I said, I will do anything for you, anything at all…just ask! Did not I say, “Ask, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance?” I am the King, remember? I just happen to own everything, know everything, and know everyone. So what do you need? Speak up! If you don’t speak up, I can’t help you.
I said in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given; Seek, and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened.” Everyone who asks receives; everyone who seeks finds; and everyone who knocks the door is opened. So what are you waiting for? Start asking! Especially if you are asking Me for something that I want to do anyway. (A desire I have placed in your heart to do, something that is in My Word/Will that I want you to have, something good) Hello? Do you think I am going to say no? Of course not! If I want it done, I will do whatever is necessary to get it done. I am the Way-Maker! I can make a way where there seems to be no way. I can move mountains. I can make a highway through the wilderness and rivers in the desert. I can bring water out of a rock, and bring the dead to life. Is there anything too hard for Me? No! So I’m your guy…ask away!

Your BFF

No need to be afraid of Me or fear rejection. Those two things don’t even equate with Me. You can do no wrong in My eyes. No-one is for you more than I am. I’m even for you more than you are for you, if you can imagine that. I want things for you that you’ve never even dreamed of, in your wildest imaginations. You just need to trust me and believe in Me to do it. Quit pushing Me away at arm’s length, or running away and hiding from Me in fear, or stop trying to do it yourself. There are some things that you cannot do and you need Me to do. That’s what I’m here for. You and I make a great team! I’m your partner, your friend, your confidante, your bosom buddy, your BFF. I’m your go-to, the one you tell everything to. I know your best-kept secrets, your faults and failures, your hopes and dreams. I know everything about you and love every square inch of you, the good and the bad. I can’t help myself. I am just head-over-heels about you!
So don’t live in poverty and without. Don’t live in sickness. Don’t live in pain and heartache. Don’t live in frustration and turmoil. That’s not My will for you. It hurts Me so to see you suffer needlessly when I’m right here and can help you. So run to Me, run into My arms. I will help you. I will keep you. I will hold you. Everything’s gonna be alright My Love. I’m here for you. I’m right here!

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