You Have Access Because You Have Keys

As I grabbed the door handle to get into my car the Spirit said, “You have access because you have keys!” My car door automatically unlocks and opens, because I have the keys in my purse. If I did not have the keys on my person, the car door would not open. I am authorized so I have access.

In Matthew 16:19 Jesus said, “I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven: and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” In Matthew 18:18 He said, “Whatever YOU shall bind (lock/close) on earth will be bound in heaven: and whatever YOU shall loose (unlock/open) on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Then He repeated it again in verse 19 for double emphasis…meaning this is very important! Are you listening?
Jesus said, “You have access because you have the keys! I gave them to you (past tense, Matthew 16:19). You have the keys, use them!” Keys and access go hand-in-hand. You can’t have one without the other. The purpose of keys is to use them. Who gets keys? An owner or someone authorized to be there. You have permission to be there, and are not breaking and entering illegally. When we became part of God’s family, we gained access to everything that every member of the family has access to!
What are the keys to?
The Kingdom of God.
Why do we need keys? 
To be able to access everything God so freely provides for us.
What does He provide for His children? Everything we need that pertains to “life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Just like any good parent, our heavenly Father has already thought of everything that we could possibly need and made provision for it (food, clothing, shelter, health, healing, provision, success, peace, wisdom, guidance, purpose, etc.)
How do we “Access” it?
By “Agreeing” with Him! 
A key is made to fit a specific lock. Just because you have “a key” doesn’t mean you have “the” key. Every door has a matching key that unlocks “that” door. We have to MATCH (Agree) the RIGHT key with the RIGHT door (18:18)! All God’s promises are “Yes” and “Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20). If we need provision, we find a verse (door) in the Bible that “contains” provision, or has provision hid behind that door. God says Yes (door), “I will provide all your needs according to My riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).” You say, “Amen” (key), so be it! Your key matches His door and it opens for you, unlocking what you need! So go to your Father’s storehouse for everything you need.
Is it behind Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3?
Match the right key with the right door and help yourself!
On the other hand, we Lock doors to keep intruders out and to protect our things in safe-keeping. In John 10:10 (thereagain matching numbers) Jesus said, “The thief (satan) comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but I came so you could enjoy an abundant life!” We Lock our doors so we don’t get robbed. What do you want to Lock out of your life? Sickness, disease, poverty, lack, anxiety, pain, strife, etc. Find a verse (door) and agree (key) with God, to Lock the enemy out of your life!
Like a policeman, if it is unlawful in heaven then it is unlawful on earth, and we BIND it or LOCK it up. If it is a GOOD thing and is considered lawful in the Kingdom of Heaven, then we LOOSE it on the earth as it is in heaven. Let’s start taking control of our lives back and enjoying everything that our Father has freely provided for us. We are not going to let the enemy steal what’s ours, destroy our homes and lives, and kill our future. We are not going to suffer needlessly any longer, and we are going to start enjoying an abundant life!
Start living instead of merely existing!
Begin thriving instead of surviving!

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